holotropni center
Holotropic Breathwork Intensive (2+2) - June 2025
čet., 05. jun.
|Velosimed Center
Important for GTT students/practitioners: this particular workshop will fulfill the virtual module requirement. Holotropic Breathwork® workshop takes place in the Velosimed Center, in a beautiful setting under the mighty Kočna mountain.

Ura in lokacija
05. jun. 2025, 17:00 GMT +2 – 08. jun. 2025, 14:00 GMT +2
Velosimed Center, Kokra 72, 4205 Preddvor, Slovenija
O dogodku
What is Holotropic Breathwork:
Holotropic Breathwork™ is a powerful approach to self-exploration and personal empowerment that relies on our innate innerwisdom and its capacity to move us toward positive transformation and wholeness.
Holotropic Breathwork can play an important role in personal and collective transformation. This method is a powerful approach that combines breathing, evocative music, and release work to access non-ordinary states of consciousness and to explore the deeper dimensions of the psyche.
Breathwork can lead to the healing of previous emotional or physical trauma, reduction in anxiety and stress, amelioration of symptoms of depression, emotional expression & release and creative inspiration.
Many people also report that it helps them connect to a deeper feeling of meaning and purpose in their lives, as well as a greater feeling of authenticity in their daily life
About the Workshop: